Whispering Quietly to Myself
watch your steps
I took this picture, because I think this sign in silly. See the sign that says 'Watch your steps'? OK, other than the bad english, the sign hasn't been placed in a good spot. I mean, if your looking down there already, wouldn't you notice the steps? And if you weren't looking down, you wouldn't notice the steps *or* the sign.
A Tasty Paste of Tiny Ponies.
Shalini and Nellie ran the first night of their stand-up room, on Wednesday night; a success in terms of comedy, if not audience size. Click the photo for further shots.
Tiny Ponies will be running next Wed, and the Wed after that.
This is Eureka tower, at night. It is huge, and will look great when they turn the power on. It is being built very quickly, and I just hope it does not fall on my Telstra office, which is just across the road.
I've posted a cute dog before, this is the opposite. Yes, it's real; it's the winner of an Ugliest dog competition in Germany.
A nice photo of Aarian, my wife's nephew. Cute as, but boy, he needs a haircut.
More entries to follow!
A mug-shot of a friend of mine, name of Geezer.
Ok, the clown suit is a bit much, but you should see the other shirts he wears. Geezer, here's to you.
Rayan monster
Mucking around, taking photo's at night with the flash on the mobile, Rayan thought it would be a good idea to scream, growl, and shake his head around. We were very pleased with the results.
Get with the picture
One more attempt to get up and get blogging regularly, this time, by getting with the picture. New mobile with camera, and I'm having fun taking snaps everywhere.
This is me pretending to be frustrated by the camera function on my new Samsung D500 mobile. Not very convincing, as it is very easy to use, an has more functions than you can poke a digital stick at.