Pea-nuts gallery
Two things on note have happened during my last two bike rides.
One the way home last night, I saw four black swans, grazing on the strip of grass between Jeff's shed and the Polly Woodside. I was surprised to see them there, I've never seen swans in the CBD before. They were jet black, with a loud spot of red on each bill. They looked quite awkward standing on nerdy orange legs and curling down with unwieldy looking necks into the wet grass. Reminded me of a small duck struggling with a vacuum cleaner.
The other thing was that this morning, the four best looking women (out of the six in my department) were all outside when I rode into the building. I wouldn't usually care, but I wear these ridiculous bicycle shorts, which of course don't leave
anything to the imagination.
Hot women downstairs - Lycra clad Mark rolls in - coincidence? - you be the judge!